Topalov - Aronian
White overestimated effectiveness of the pin: 17.Rd1? Nxe4!, and it turns out that 18.Bxe4 runs into 18...Qf6!
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Anand - Topalov
Black would go strong after 20...Bxf2+! 21.Kxf2 Qh4+ 22.g3 Nxe4+ 23.Rxe4 Qxe4, but Topalov misplayed: 20...Nb3?! 21.Rb1 Nxc1 and eventually lost in the first round of the Candidates.
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Bocharov - Inarkiev
White could survive by 86.Rh8 or 86.Rg8, and after 86.Rb2+? Kd3 87.Rb8 c3 Black took the upper hand. The Aeroflot open is over.
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Savchenko - Van Foreest
The blunder of the day: 22...Qxe5? 23.Qxe5 Rxe5 24.f4!, and Black loses a piece. The Aeroflot open is still underway in Moscow.
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Dubov - Moiseenko
Open files are superior to the material: 22.Nc7+!! The Aeroflot open is coming to an end in Moscow.
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Matlakov - Hovanessian
After 30.Bxf6! Qc8 31.Be5 White got a decisive advantage. The Aeroflot open continues in Moscow.
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Gelfand - Lu Shanglei
Once again a zugzwang: 44.Bf8! Kb6 45.Bd6 Kc6 46.Bc5, and Black resigns. The Aeroflot open continues is Moscow.
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Hou Yifan - Muzychuk
White rams through: 24.Qg4! Rb7 25.f5! Hou Yifan takes the lead in the World Championship match.
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Mamedov - Fressinet
Black could get an advantage by 43...Ra8!, while after 43...Rc2?, which happened in the game, he got mated: 44.Ne7! IMSA 2016 is played in China.
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Khalifman - Yuffa
After 42.Rхb5? Rb7! Black survived thanks to a stalemate. The Aeroflot open started in Moscow.
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