19 November 2020

FIDE Online Olympiad for People with Disabilities Begins on Tornelo

Russia is represented by three teams.

The first FIDE Online Chess Olympiad for People with Disabilities is being held from November 20 till December 3 on Tornelo, a web-based tournament management software. The event features 61 teams from 45 countries. Russia is represented by three teams. 

Russian teams composition:

Russia 1 - FM Stanislav Babarykin, IM Andrei Obodchuk, FM Evgeniy Suslov, WIM Irina Kaydanovich, Alexey Smirnov, WFM Svetlana Gerasimova, and Denis Palin; 

Russia 2 - IM Yuri Meshkov, FM Ruslan Draganov, IM Alexey Pakhomov, Polina Taranenko, Alexey Runov, Maksim Ermakov, Daniil Balandin, and Elizaveta Klochko; 

Russia 3 - Artem Anfinogenov, FM Ilia Lipilin, Sergey Tsapalin, Varvara Nikitskaya, WFM Mariya Dorozhkina. 

The tournament will consist of two stages. The first one is a 7 round Swiss System, from which the best 4 teams will qualify to play a double-round semifinal (November 29-30). The two best teams will advance to the finals, while the two others will compete for third prize. The final has been purposely scheduled for December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. 

The time control in all stages is 25 minutes + 10 seconds.

Tournament on Chess-Results

Official website