24 December 2021

Potanin vs Nepomniachtchi Friendly Game Held in Moscow

The encounter was broadcast live.

On 24 December, the Central Chess Club in Moscow hosted a friendly exhibition match between Vladimir Potanin, Head of the Interros holding company and President of MMC Norilsk Nickel, and Ian Nepomniachtchi, Russia's strongest grandmaster.  
The game was broadcast live on the Match TV website, the Match TV's VKontakte account, and on the Crestbook YouTube channel with commentaries by the Russian grandmasters Sergey Shipov and Elmira Mirzoeva. The time control was 30 minutes to each player with no increment.

White pieces were with Vladimir Potanin. The opponents opened the game with Ruy Lopez, in which Ian Nepomniachtchi opted for the Marshall attack. It is the same opening that he himself would not allow Magnus Carlsen to employ in a recent match in Dubai. Potanin did not react very well to his opponent's rare continuation and was soon forced into the defensive. Nepomniachtchi delivered a nice combination to restore his material balance and seize the initiative. White put up a stubborn defence, but Nepomniachtchi gradually achieved a decisive edge and converted the rook ending after move 37.
The opponents took a long time to discuss the course of the game, and then a press briefing was organised for the journalists to ask their questions.
Vladimir Potanin, "Going into the match, I felt as excited as when going into hockey battles. I had all reasons to anticipate a serious test in store for me. After all, I had an opportunity to face one of the world's best grandmasters, and this experience is precious."
Ian Nepomniachtchi, "Honestly speaking, this being a friendly game, I came unprepared for it. However, the opponent's level of play took me by surprise. Vladimir Olegovich was obviously serious about the game and delivered a worthy performance. No kidding: I did not give in, no way. It's nice to see the match being in the limelight of mass media. I think it will do an outstanding service to chess."
When they asked Vladimir Potanin about organising a night chess league, he replied that it didn't make much sense.
"As you may well know, our company and I personally promote chess and support our Chess Federation, and FIDE. In my opinion, it is vital to develop children's chess," said President of Norilsk Nickel. - As far as I understand, interest in chess has increased, and now we have many decent players. If previously our chess school used to be out of anybody's league, now the competition has become very tough. Therefore, attention should be paid to training new athletes."
"As for Nepomniachtchi, our relationship is not about the World Championship match only, and we continue to support him. Now we have finally met in person. We will root for him and wish him success. Of course, if Ian wants to continue this kind of cooperation, I will support him in every possible way," added Potanin.
The press scrum was followed by the President of the Chess Federation of Russia, Andrey Filatov, and the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Dmitry Oleinikov, introducing Vladimir Potanin to the unique exhibits of the CFR Chess Museum.

Pictures by Eteri Kublashvili and Alexander Kitaev