1 June 2020

Alexey Sarana Wins European Online Championship

Our congratulations!

The Russian GM Alexey Sarana became the winner of the European Online Chess Championships organised by the ECU on Chess.com. The event included a qualifying stage, which attracted more than 4400 players, and the Top16 Final Knockout. The Knockout event was played with time control 10 min + 2 seconds, in two games matches. If the match was tied, the Armageddon game followed.

Alexey Sarana eliminated Matthias Bluebaum (Germany), Anish Giri (Netherlands), and Sergei Movsesian (Armenia). In the final, he defeated David Navara (Czech Republic) 2-0. 

In the match for the 3rd place, Gabriel Sargissian beat Sergei Movsesian (both from Armenia) 2-0. 

Based in the combined Grand-Prix Standings of Group E', Nino Batsiashvili (Georgia) showed the best result among women. Polina Shuvalova is second, while Daria Voit (both from Russia) is third.

Tournament Info