13 August 2016

Grigory Sharapa Memorial Ends in Rostov

Dmitry Elizarov took first place.

A large-scale rapid tournament, organized by Nashe Vremya newspaper, gathered players from the Don river area. The event was supported by Business consulting group, Alfa Insurance group, CB Center-Invest, and Coca-Cola Hellenic. Dr. Sergey Sharapa, grandson of the war hero Grigory Sharapa, deputy head of the city management department of RSEU. He held a speech at the opening ceremony and offered cups for the winners. 

Dmitry Elizarov, FIDE Master from Rostov, student of the RSEU, won the event. FM Oleg Dobrovolsky finished second, Roman Oganyan (Azov) was third. 

The Tournament B took place at the Rostselmash Culture Center the day before. Dmitry Muravjov took first place, Eleonora Filipskaya and Sergey Zhabotinsky tied for second place. 

Vladimir Kanitsyn, national category arbiter, was a chief arbiter for both events and did an excellent job. 

Information by Valery Sipetin