20 October 2017

Strongest Chess Players Enter the Field of European ACP Women Rapid & Blitz Championships

The event starts in Monaco.

The European ACP Women’s Rapid & Blitz Championships are taking place in Monte Carlo, on October 20-24. The Rapid Championship will be played according to the Swiss system, in 11 rounds, on October 21-23. The Blitz Championship will be held on October 23, according to the Swiss system, in 13 rounds. 

90 and 77 players will take part in the Rapid and Blitz Championships respectively. Russia is represented by 16 participants, including rating favorites Alexandra Kosteniuk, Valentina Gunina, Kateryna Lagno, Aleksandra Goryachkina, Natalija Pogonina, Irina Turova, Olga Girya, and Alina Kashlinskaya. 

Their rivals will be Anna Muzychuk (Ukraine), Antoaneta Stefanova (ECU), Nana Dzagnidze (Georgia), Elisabeth Paehtz (Germany), Marie Sebag (France), Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant (Scotand), Almira Skripchenko (France), Inna Gaponenko (Ukraine) and other well-known chess players.  

Starting lists

Information on the ECU website