8 June 2016

2016 Superfinal Dates Announced

The championship will take place on October 15-28 in Novosibirsk.

Vladimir Gorodetsky, Governor of Novosibirsk Region, gave a start to the preparation for the Russian 69th Superfinal, which will take place in Novosibirsk, by making a symbolic first move with a one meter-tall pawn. 

According to Mark Glukhovsky, RCF Executive Director, this tournament signifies a new era of chess development in Novosibirsk Region. 

The championship will be played on October 15-28 in the Novosibirsk Regional Natural History Museum, as a part of Chess In Museums project. The organizers are RCF, Novosibirsk Region Chess Federation, Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation, Novosibirsk mayor's office, RATM Holding, and Expobank. 

To receive the right of organizing the Superfinal, Novosibirsk won the contest of RCF and Timchenko Foundation, competing with Tula and Novokuznetsk.