22 May 2021

European Hybrid Qualification Tournament for FIDE World Cup Starts on May 24

Participants to play from authorised centres.

The Central Chess Club is an authorised centre in Moscow (Photo by Eteri Kublashvili)
The Central Chess Club is an authorised centre in Moscow (Photo by Eteri Kublashvili)

The European Hybrid Qualification Tournament for the FIDE World Cup starts on the Tornelo online platform will be held from May 24 till May 30. The participants will play online from the approved tournament halls. 

European players rated 2550 and over (according to FIDE Standard rating list from 1st of April 2021) have the right to participate in the event. 36 players will qualify for the FIDE World Cup 2021.

The event will be played in a Knock out system with matches of 2 standard games + tiebreak if needed.

1st Round – Preliminary round (Random pairings) – waived
2nd Round – 288 players  
3rd Round – 144 players 
4th Round – 72 players 

Tiebreaks for Prizes – Swiss tournament of 36 players, 9 rounds with a time control of 10 minutes + 3 seconds of an increment.

The first games of the second rounds will be played on Monday, May 24. 

Time control of the standard games will be 120 minutes for the whole game with an increment of 30 seconds per move, starting from move one. Tiebreak matches will consist of 2 games with reverse colour, with a time control of 10 minutes + 3 seconds of an increment per move. If the score is still level after tiebreaks, the winner of the match will be decided in an Armageddon game.

Detailed information