8 July 2017

Governor of Moscow Oblast Andrey Vorobyov Visited Chess Club in Khimky

And promised to support children's chess in the region

On July 7, Governor of Moscow Oblast Andrey Vorobyov visited a new chess club, which was opened a couple of days before at Arena-Khimky sports complex. The centre is unique: one can organize there international competitions, everyday trainings and master classes. A playing hall for 20 tables, a class room with 10 seats, a room for coaches are located in the area of 200 square metres.

The Governor spoke to the youngest pupil of the chess club Misha Osipov and to the World Rapid Champion U12 Volodar Murzin, who gave a simultaneous exhibition as well. 

Andrey Vorobyov: «We all have played chess and checkers. I think that these games are very useful and it would be fine if they developed in every Moscow Oblast school. We have spoken to pedagogues, and all of them state that chess lessons have a very positive influence on an analytical thinking and children's progress in studies. This is a good line and we will support it».

Information and photos by Valery Sipetin