19 June 2017

Moscow Veterans Win the Match Against Chess Players From Minsk

A friendly encounter took place in the Embassy of Belarus in Moscow.

On Sunday, June 18, a friendly match between chess veterans from Moscow and Minsk finished in the Embassy of Belarus in Moscow. At the suggestion of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich, who took part in the Opening Ceremony together with Belarus’ Ambassador to Russia Igor Petrischenko, the match was dedicated to the memory of Belarusian grandmaster Viktor Kupreichik. 

Team composition: 8 men and 2 women. Time control: 15 minutes plus 10 seconds increment per move. 

Moscow players defeated their rivals in a tense struggle - 38:34. The best individual results: Moscow players - E. Dragomarezkij - 6 points out of 8, Y. Balashov - 5,5/8, G. Strutinskaia - 4/4, L. Khropova - 3/4; Minsk players - E. Mochalov - 6,5/8, V. Smirnov - 5,5/8, V. Dydyshko - 5/8.

All participants were gifted with the presents from the Russian Chess Federation and the Embassy of Belarus in Moscow.

The organizers express their gratitude to Oleg Dashkevich, Director General of Minpromstroi, and Nikolai Vlasiuk, President of SunSiti Group of Companies, for the financial support. 

Tournament on Chess-Results

Photos by Boris Dolmatovsky