25 October 2018

RCF Announces Contest among Mass Media

The best chess-related photo of 2018 to be determined. 

Dear Colleagues! 

This is to let you know that the Russian Chess Federation starts a contest among mass media for the best photographic image of 2018 as related to the theme of chess. Eligible to take part are photographers and journalists belonging to both printed and online editions. Admitted to the contest are pictures showing chess events taking place in 2018 in Russia and around the world. 

Announcing contest results and winners awarding will be taking place at the closing ceremony of the International Nutcracker Generation Tournament, scheduled this year to run in Moscow’s Central Chess Club Player (Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 14) in December 2018.  

For more information please refer to Kirill Zangalis: tel.: +7 (968) 732 0080; e-mail: zangalis@mail.ru.


Admitted to the contest are pictures (both color and BW) showing chess events taking place in 2018 in Russia and around the world.

The contest has four nominations: Portrait, Game, Children, and Amateur Chess.

Photos and contest entry applications are to be forwarded until December 1, 2018 (inclusive) to ks@ruchess.ru, with a copy to russiachess@gmail.com and the message subject reading “Photo Contest.” 

Each photographic image is to be uploaded into an existing file exchanger in two electronic formats: a viewing (jpeg) and a full-format one (preferably tiff). 

The application form should carry the following data: participant's full name, his/her position and place of work, a list of photographs submitted for the contest indicating the nomination and picture names (if any) corresponding to file names. 

Contest jury determining the winner will consist of: the RCF Executive Director Mark Glukhovsky, the RCF website’s editor-in-chief Vladimir Barsky, the RCF PR director Kirill Zangalis, the editor-in-chief of the 64-magazine Maxim Notkin, the Chess Museum curator Dmitry Oleinikov and a famous sports photographer Sergei Kivrin. Ekaterina Vasilchenko is the contest’s executive secretary. 

The photos will be shown to the jury without mentioning authors’ names. Each jury member selects five best pictures in each nomination that appeal him most. Pictures ranking places 1 – 5 with each jury member are awarded grades 5 to 1 accordingly. The best picture in each nomination is the one scoring the highest number of points from all jurors.

The contest winners are entitled to a rare chess wine set from the Art Russe Grand Cru collection. This set was jointly put together by Chateau La Grace Dieu des Prieurs (Saint-Emilion, France) and the Russian Chess Federation’s partner Art Russe Foundation, which owns the largest collection of the Russian art dating back to the late XIX – XX centuries.